Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Web 2.0 and online consumers affect journalism yet again….Crowdsourcing tests yield mixed results, PR Week
“But the masses of the Internet, always eager to improve or destroy a well-established practice, have deemed "crowdsourcing" the journalism technique of the future. The wisdom of crowds, the theory goes, will allow large numbers of disparate people working on different parts of various assignments to come together in a quasi-journalistic fashion to produce material that is richer and more varied than what the mainstream media can turn out.”
Monday, July 16, 2007
Validation is always nice. “What's Plaguing Viral Marketing. Sorry, Malcolm, but the Tipping Point Might Be More Myth Than Math,” by discusses the same topic I posted about- targeted marketing vs. mass marketing. Here is a good snippet from the AdvertisingAge article.
“The crux of Mr. Watts' argument is that even if influentials are several times as influential as a normal person, they have little impact beyond their own immediate neighborhood -- not good when you're trying to create a cascade through a large network of people, as most big brands do. In those cases, he argues, it's best to skip the idea of targeting that treasured select group of plugged-in folks and instead think about that group's polar opposite: a large number of easily influenced people. He calls this big-seed marketing.“
Thursday, July 12, 2007
With web 2.0 changing the landscape for the way advertisers, marketers, communications professionals, industry analysts and consumers interact on the web, and sites battling it out for the top spot it becomes harder and harder to determine where and if our brands should be represented on these sites. Most communications professionals participate in some form of social media- whether it be blogging, social networking sites, video sharing, social bookmarking, etc.- so we’ve probably all noticed a difference in the types of people each medium attracts. “Viewing American class divisions through Facebook and MySpace” by Danah Boyd infamously describes these differences. But regardless of the validity and taking into consideration of audience segmenting/targeting the question on which social media to engage brands in is still the same. Should marketers ignore what’s being said in the media and amongst analysts and solely use the mediums which their target audience already uses, or should we go for the medium that has the biggest audience? Should you sell your product via Walmart or the niche hat shop on the corner? Would a pr person pitch USA Today or the women’s health magazine? There’s just too many options available….
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
By Dean Takahashi
San Jose Mercury News
I could have been one of "The New Influencers," the term coined by Paul Gillin in his new book about the most influential bloggers. But after being laid off from Red Herring in 2002, I took a job in traditional media.
One of my Red Herring colleagues, meanwhile, entered the then-experimental blogosphere.
Pete Rojas started the blogs Gizmodo and, later, Engadget.
Both gained enormous momentum as online destinations for readers seeking information about tech gear.
When AOL bought the company he worked at, Weblogs, for $25 million, Rojas, then 31, got a payday in the millions of dollars, his reward for 10,000 posts and starting early in the blog gold rush.
So it goes. For those who are slow to catch on like me, Gillin introduces us to the impact of blogs and the new social media.
If you haven't immersed yourself in blogs or started one yourself, "The New Influencers" can tell you what is popular, what type of blogs work, and what kind of impact they're having across the consumer and corporate worlds. ( Gillin's own blog is www.paulgillin.com.)
Far beyond pioneers
Just like the Web itself, blogs — more than 70 million by one count — have moved from their pioneer days to a more mature phase where they command respect and huge mainstream followings.
Gillin argues that, rather than adding up to a vast wasteland, the addition of each new blogger improves the quality of discourse.
No longer will 30-second TV ads reach the right audiences. "Word of blog" is the new word of mouth.
In this era, Gillin advises public-relations practitioners who want to contain bad news and control messages in the age of blogging to give it up.
One-way corporate news releases no longer cut it.
As Gillin writes, "The shift to small markets served and influenced by an entirely new breed of opinion leaders is a sea change for marketers."
To influence the influencers, companies need to have two-way conversations with bloggers, whom Gillin terms "enthusiasts."
Disney courts John Frost, author of the DisneyBlog, for instance, because it knows his posts can inspire stories on mainstream TV shows and in news publications.
Such "conversation marketing" requires a completely different set of skills than those that marketers typically use.
When New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman criticized General Motors for fuel-inefficient cars, GM punched back just as hard with a post on its corporate blog, Fastlane.
Friedman fired back, and in the ensuing spotlight, GM got its points across to a big online audience.
Bloggers are forcing companies to be more transparent. Gillin opens his book with an anecdote about Vincent Ferrari, who recorded the painful conversation he had with America Online when he wanted to cancel his account.
When Ferrari posted the audio file on his blog, the resulting "blog swarm" brought down his servers and forced AOL to drop its hard-sell retention tactics.
Other bloggers exposed Sony's hidden software on music CDs, fanned the flames on AOL's inadvertent release of private search data and forced Dell to recall batteries on its "exploding laptops."
Gillin's book is useful for its practical advice on blogging etiquette and finding the influencers.
Engadget at top
He shows us how to decipher the shifting sands by taking us to www.technorati.com, where, at least today, you'll see that Engadget is No. 1 on the top 100 blogs.
The book also details stories of some quirky and unexpectedly popular blogs.
For instance, there's Blendtech, a Utah company whose "Will it blend?" blog shows videos of the company's CEO blending golf balls, marbles, Coke cans and rake handles in its high-end blender.
Inevitably, the stories focus on people with the right idea at the right time, like the "Mommycast" podcasters, Paige Heninger and Gretchen Vogelzang, two suburban mothers who started an early podcast, or a radiolike show for digital music players. They were picked up by Adam Curry's PodShow Network and now reach hundreds of thousands.
Gillin predicts media institutions will matter less and less, fears of a blogging bubble are overblown, the blogging trend is unstoppable and everyone is going to work extremely hard as this new medium takes shape.
Are you afraid you'll be left behind?
Fortunately for me, I did start blogging in May 2005. I didn't show up as one of the New Influencers. But there's hope.
Maybe all 70 million of us can make it into the second edition.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007 5:04 AM ET
SCOTTSDALE, ARIZ.-BASED ICE CREAM CHAIN Cold Stone Creamery is launching its first national integrated campaign since its inception 20 years ago. The effort, via Saatchi & Saatchi, N.Y., includes television, with the tag "Love it, Love it."
The effort plays on how far ice cream lovers would go for Cold Stone's ice cream. It comprises three TV spots, web marketing--including the web site Loveit-Loveit.co--and radio.
The campaign dramatizes the ice cream lovers' journey to a Cold Stone Creamery, the mecca of ice cream, and then puts obstacles in their path, thus testing their desire for ice cream. The television spots are meant to be dramatic, humorous and a bit mysterious.
For example, one television spot features a young boy approaching a Cold Stone Creamery. Inside he sees a few of his arch-nemeses. A voiceover asks if the "insatiable draw" of his favorite Cold Stone creation, "Birthday Cake Remix," will give him the strength to open the door. Other spots borrow from urban legend and pop culture, and feature Big Foot and an Heiress.--Karl Greenberg
Friday, April 27, 2007
Monday, April 09, 2007
Friday, April 06, 2007
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Quiznos Delivers PR Hero After Coyote Invades Chicago Store
by Kevin Ransom, Thursday, Apr 5, 2007 5:01 AM ET- MediaPost Publications
A coyote walks into a Quiznos ...
The Quiznos restaurant chain took full advantage of a unique marketing opportunity when it issued a playful, tongue-in-cheek response after a wild coyote wandered into one of its shops in Chicago's busy Loop area on Tuesday.
After the unusual event, the company quickly issued a press release quoting Steve Provost, Quiznos' Executive Vice President/Corporate Marketing Officer, as saying: "We've certainly been looking to expand our customer base and appeal to different demographics, and it appears that we have hit a chord with the animal kingdom. This has never happened before; we can only think that [the coyote] must have been attracted to our new Prime Rib on Garlic Bread and its above-average portions of meat. One thing is for sure, this coyote clearly has excellent taste."
The coyote walked right into the restaurant through the front door--which was evidently propped open due to unseasonably warm weather--causing startled customers to scatter. It tried to jump over the counter, but when it couldn't make the leap, it plopped down in the beverage cooler. The animal lingered for about 40 minutes, as dozens of rubber-necking pedestrians poked their heads in to see what the rumpus was all about--some of whom snapped pics of the puzzled mammal with their cell phones.
Eventually, officers from Chicago Animal Care and Control arrived and escorted the coyote safely away. Animal Control staff even gave the coyote a name--Adrian. The staff deduced that Adrian is a male, and approximately a year-and-a-half old--which is about the age when coyotes leave their families to find their own way in the wild.
Quiznos' media response wasn't all shtick. The statement also scored some points among animal lovers--and touched on the ongoing environmental crisis of commercial and residential development wiping out animal habitats.
"We will support the safety for Adrian and any other members of the wild animal kingdom who face severe challenges and unknown urban obstacles to find their way to Quiznos restaurants," said Provost. "We are pleased to donate $1,000 to Chicago Animal Care and Control, where Adrian currently resides."
This morning, Adrian will be transported to the Flint Creek Wildlife Refuge near Barrington, Ill. The refuge is a rambling, fenced-in area where stray urban coyotes are allowed to roam--and in any case is a much safer home than the mean streets of Chicago. Quiznos announced it was even giving Adrian a farewell present--a Prime Rib on Garlic Bread sub "to go"--adding that it was the sandwich that the coyote had "traveled far and wide for." The chain also closed the store to sanitize it before reopening.
Monday, April 02, 2007
Lonely Planet Launches Video, Social Networking Site
by Karlene Lukovitz, Monday, Apr 2, 2007 7:57 AM ET
Friday, March 30, 2007
By Krisserin Canary
iMedia Connection
MTV wants you to head on down to West Coast customs in a new virtual world created specifically for "Pimp my Ride."
For all of those energetic fans who wished they could restore their hooptie but don't live in the Los Angeles area, Xzibit invites you to go online and visit a virtual Van Nuys with all the accouterments of West Coast culture.
The virtual world will be connected to MTV's other virtual worlds -- for shows "Laguna Beach" and "The Hills" -- with a virtual highway. MTV is planning to add more features in the coming months, including clickthrough items, which allow users to buy real-world objects in the virtual world.
More virtual communities are in the works including worlds, for "MTV Cribs" and the "Logo" world, for MTV's LGBT network.
Virtual branding and merchandising opportunities are sure to be large with a pervasive reach into the younger demographics. Matt Bostwick, SVP franchise development for MTV, told Yahoo! News that the "Laguna" and "Hills" projects have drawn a total of 600,000 registered users, with 85 percent female with a median age of 20, and daily visits are up 300 percent from January.
By Amy Chozick
Word Count: 774 | Companies Featured in This Article: Nissan Motor, Omnicom Group, Hakuhodo
TOKYO -- Nissan Motor Co. had a tough challenge in launching its Pino minicar: Make it appeal to young female consumers who couldn't care less about cars.
While these deep-pocketed shoppers spend lavishly on clothes and accessories, cars are optional for many. Instead, they rely on bicycles, motorbikes or public transport. So Nissan Motor purposely avoided focusing too much attention on the car itself. Instead, television and print ads portray the Pino as just one item in a collage of accessories, such as plushy animals, furry seat cushions and heart-shaped decals. The Pino pamphlet, designed to read like a comic ...
Read the rest here Wallstreet Journal Online
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Microsoft Sends Secret Dossier on Reporter, to Reporter
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Anti-Clinton Video on YouTube Proves that the Web is More Than a News Outlet—It Is Now a Source of News
The anti-Hillary Clinton video posted last week on YouTube demonstrated the speed and power of the Web as it quickly jumped from the Internet to cable news and network broadcasts such as NBC's "Today" and "CBS Evening News."
As a result, the video, which portrayed Clinton as a dictatorial character out of Orwell's 1984 became one of last week's most-discussed stories, USA Today reports.
It also cost its author his job. Posted anonymously, the video drew nearly two million views on YouTube. Its creator resigned when he was about to be outed as an employee of a digital consulting firm that worked for Barack Obama. The candidate's campaign denied any part in the video. Clinton also downplayed its impact, reports USAT writer Peter Johnson.
But media experts say that the way "Hillary 1984" made its way into the national discussion serves as a cautionary tale for traditional news outlets, which risk spreading material that may be damaging or untrue to wider audiences—all for the sake of staying current with the Web. Politico.com's misreporting of John Edwards' campaign plans last week is another example of this phenomenon.
On the Web, "you essentially have a public wall where anybody can put up a billboard and say anything," says Tom Rosenstiel of the Project for Excellence in Journalism. "And if the wall attracts a crowd, mainstream media write about it."
That presents challenges for the media, he says: "If something is out there and having an impact, you probably have a responsibility to report it. But you have no less a responsibility to tell me if it's believable or not."
Because of the sensation the Clinton video caused on the Web, mainstream news outlets aired stories about the phenomenon of political attack Web videos. "We wound up giving more exposure to the video than it ever would have gotten on the Web," CBS News vice president Paul Friedman told Johnson. "I don't know how to get around it. It comes down to how much can we still exercise our traditional role of being a gatekeeper on what's fair, decent, factual and accurate—and what isn't."
Bob Steele, who teaches ethics at the Poynter Institute, says that speed has always been an important factor in journalism. Now, with Web outlets churning out stories and videos that quickly gain traction across the Net, mainstream news needs to exercise great caution when deciding to pass that fare along. "The Edwards story speaks loudly to how fast those values can get lost in a hurry," Steele says. "It does no good to be first and wrong. Whether they are at cable news networks or at mainstream newspapers or news blogs, journalists still have an obligation for accuracy and fairness."
Article from Bulldog Reporter's "Daily Dog"
by Nina M. Lentini, Monday, Mar 26, 2007 5:06 AM ET
WHY SETTLE FOR AN EMBROIDERED logo when you can have a four-color, 14.5 x 16.75-inch print-quality ad on the shirts of employees in big box retailers, sports stadiums, theme parks, state fairs, supermarkets, gas stations and drugstores?
Actually, that's pretty much what Solomon Emeth was thinking when he started Eye Level Marketing, the newest next in media.
Emeth, who spent a few decades in men's clothing, found himself at the turn of the millennium in a business that was limited to embroidering shirts for the Professional Golf Association and theme parks. "It was not being as creative as you could be," he says, understatedly.
Now, he and his partners have created a company that already has deals with Universal Studios, a Beverly Hills perfumery, the Indianapolis Colts and the 99¢ Only Stores in California. Eye Level Marketing (tag line: "Be Seen") is in talks with major corporations (many among the Top 100 leading national advertisers), ad agencies across the country and an unspecified racing sport, according to Eye Level's agency, MB2, which happens to be located in Indianapolis, Ind.
John Miles, CEO of MB2 (also known as Miles Brinson Brown), says they are spending a lot of time now at trade shows and conventions, even as the new medium is gaining traction, "we're still learning."
For example, he says, at a trade show in Las Vegas three weeks ago, "we realized that just showing the shirts wasn't enough. We have to make sure people realize the panels are interchangeable."
Ah, the panels. That's where your ad goes. The panels are designed by a patented engineering process to attach to the front and/or back of camp and polo shirts, bibs, vests and aprons created by the company.
Advertisements--such as your latest print ad--are sublimated on the clothing in the print process much like an inkjet printer. Miles says any graphic can be reproduced, and the clothing is washable. Details can be found at EyeLevelMarketing.com.
Universal Studios employees have been wearing the product for 18 months, Emeth says, with advertisements for its rides and movies.
Duty Free Perfumery in Beverly Hills signed on late last year and reports a 12% sales spike in January over January 2006. Store owner Avraham Zajac is blown away. "It is very, very helpful in this business," he says of the product. "We have thousands of types of fragrances. If people don't know what they want, it is difficult to finalize a sale."
Zajac has interchangeable panels advertising perfume brands such as Dolce & Gabbana on the apron he wears in the shop. "We are selling brand name products. If people maybe saw an ad in a magazine and they want to try a newer fragrance, if they see one of the three they are testing on my apron, there is a real, palpable chance they are gonna buy it.
"This is what any retailer would want. It's neat, easy, clear and a wonderful idea. I am sure it's going to go like wild."
Eye Level is talking with pro football teams after a successful run with the Indianapolis Colts (there's that Indianapolis connection again), wherein the stadium staff wore vests with front and back panels advertising one of 10 corporate sponsors, including Motorola, Chevy, Charter One Bank and a construction union.
Stadium advertising is costly, and space is often sold out.
Emeth is particularly eager to bring stadium advertising to those who heretofore could not afford it. "It creates a whole new platform or inventory in which to sell traditional [big-ticket] products or local products and services," he says. "The construction union was now able to really sponsor the day on these vests, which will attract new advertisers to the platform, and that is what got the eye of the NFL officials."
At a New York trade show, Emeth says, "we were approached by someone with P&G, who called his ad agency to come down and see this concept. We're really getting our feet under us."
Eye Level Marketing is testing the concept in the U.S. as well as in Japan, Korea, Israel and South Africa.
"We keep saying, let's move slow, do it correctly, go to trade shows and, down the road, we'll do trade advertising," says Miles. "They've only approached one side of this business--in-store, in-market people, arena people, grocery people, retailers. Once that's established, there's the agency side, where people can have inventory to sell.
"This is so strong that instead of trying to sell the complete package, it'll come with time. We're approaching all potential uses, letting people use the product so they can see how nice it is. It's not silkscreen."
Monday, March 26, 2007
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
MySpace and Friendster’s runaway popularity and exposure have helped spawn an array of targeted networking sites. Advertisers are noticing
by Catherine Holahan
by Nina M. Lentini, Wednesday, Mar 14, 2007 5:00 AM ET
Teens Driving Growth Of Iced Teas Across All Meals
by Karl Greenberg, Wednesday, Mar 14, 2007 5:00 AM ET
Monday, March 12, 2007
The Cultural Gulf That Separates Marketing & PR
And Why Both Sides Must Work Harder to Bridge it
By Jonah Bloom
Published: March 11, 2007
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Monday, March 05, 2007
After much speculation and national coverage, Jodi Behan, the video's star, came clean "Good Morning America". Far from a "bridezilla," Behan is a 22-year-old aspiring actress from Toronto. The incident was designed to generate buzz on the Web, like Lonelygirl15, who tricked millions this past summer.
Behan; Ingrid Haas, the co-creator of the video; and the two women who played Behan's bridesmaids hope to garner acting jobs in response to the international attention.
Behan and Lonelygirl15 are prime examples of the growing marketing power of YouTube. What was once a forum for Web users to showcase goofy talents and skits has become a powerful marketing tool. Companies such as Volkswagen - courtesy of Crispin Porter + Bogusky - are jumping on the YouTube marketing machine by sticking advertisements on the site. Senator Hilary Clinton announced her Whitehouse bid via video on her website creating media buzz for both her announcement and the launching vehicle.
Traditional approaches of advertising are being replaced with the low-budget, attention-grabbing web casts that can reach millions of viewers all over the world. More and more companies are turning to websites such as YouTube, eBaums's World and Myspace to reach the elusive, yet influential 18-25 demographic
Only time will tell if web casts will remain a viable marketing tool in communications, but some questions do arise. Do companies run the risk of angering web surfers who may feel "duped" or "being sold to" as more advertisements flood the Internet? Are web casts a passing fad that will incur a negative image for companies? And, what will be methods of measurement will be used to monitor and substantiate the use of this strategy?